Our warehouse is located at 1387 North Main Street with easy access to Hwy 163, the main connecting artery through Tompkinsville. The main building is 86,400 ft² and is situated on approximately 9 acres of blacktopped storage and parking. We operate a fleet of six 24' flatbed delivery trucks and six tractor/trailer combination units. Most orders are processed at this location; however, in order to expedite shipment, some orders originate at the manufacturing plant or import dock. With our fleet of trucks and our experienced staff, we are prepared to fill your every requirement.
Our business offices are also located at 1387 North Main Street in Tompkinsville. We are fully computerized and receive many orders by e-mail. Some customers request "futures" pricing and shipments. We have several programs for advance or booked orders as well as special seasonal pricing on sensitive items.